Using Zapier

Connect DailyBot and Zapier to build powerful workflows with other tools you are using.

With DailyBot's Zap, you can get notified when a follow-up response is completed and use that data as the input for another workflow.

As an example, you can build things like:

  • Create a row in a Google Spreadsheet with every follow-up response
  • Build a tool to display new daily responses on a big screen in your office
  • Send an SMS to a manager when the response to a follow-up has a blocker reported by a team member
  • And more...

To connect with Zapier, you should generate an API Key for your DailyBot account, once you have the key, you can start the integration.

Step 1. Get your API Key

Go to the Organization Settings page, then click on the "Integrations" tab, then go to the API Keys section.

If you already have an API key, copy that key to your clipboard, otherwise click "Generate API Key" and copy the key.

Your DailyBot requires the feature "Integrations".

Step 2. Start building your Zap

Go to Zapier and create a new Zap. Search for DailyBot in the "App & event" input and select it.

Example of selecting DailyBot as a trigger for your Zap.
Example of selecting DailyBot as a trigger for your Zap.

If you can't find DailyBot, please contact us at

Step 3. Authenticate and select the events

You should choose the trigger/event to continue, right now DailyBot's zap supports the "New Response Completed" event, which is triggered every time DailyBot receives a response from a teammate about a given follow-up.

Select the "New Response Completed" event. Once the event is selected, click continue and select an account (or connect your account using the API Key that you copied before):

Once you're connected, you should select the Follow-Up (or follow-ups) you want to connect with this Zap. This Zap will only get events related to those follow-ups in DailyBot.

Once you have it selected, try testing the trigger. This test requires that your follow-up has at least one response, it will fetch the most recent response and will show the data as an example that it is working.

The test will look like this:

Step 4. Connect the next app

Now you can connect with other apps, you'll see now a section with the "Then do this..." title in Zapier.

You can browse thousands of apps to create use cases around the automatic follow-ups and the responses that DailyBot gets.

Try connecting here with Google Sheets, SMS or others.

Did you build a useful integration?

Let us know about those integrations you create, we're happy to share those stories in our blog to help the community get the most out of DailyBot and Zapier. Send us an email at at any moment.

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