Integrate the Activity API

Add any user activity to DailyBot so it shows up in the DailyBot check-in reports or user's activity feeds. Such activity can happen in any other context, or in external apps; simply use this API to ingest the activity into DailyBot.

To add external activity into DailyBot, you should send a POST request to your unique Activity tracking URL. You can send the payload with your custom implementation, or you can use a service such as Zapier.

What are the steps?

  1. Go to the Integrations page > Activity API, then copy your own Activity Hook URL.
  2. Utilize this URL to make a POST request or to configure a Zapier's Zap.
  3. Make sure your organizations has a billing plan that offers API and integrations, otherwise this option is not allowed

Sending the POST request

The accepted parameters are the following:

  • custom_type: string, a string (max 128 chars) that can be used as an identifier for this type of activity
  • message: string, a message that provides details about the activity
  • link: string, a URL that will be used in the DailyBot reports, it can be clicked to access any external page
  • user_email: string, the email of the DailyBot user to relate this activity with
  • user_uuid: string, the UUID of the DailyBot user to relate this activity with

If everything goes well, the service will respond with HTTP 200, empty body. If the user_email or user_uuid does not match any user of your organization, the response will be HTTP 404.

Activate the check-in activity tracking

The activity tracked can be included in any stand-up or check-in reports. Such activity will be seen in @DailyBot's chatbot reports (sent to channels or DMs) or on the web app reports.

To make sure the activity is displayed, enable the activity tracking for the check-ins where you want to have this behavior.

1. Go to the check-in settings

2. Click Sharing, and then activate the "Activity tracking" on the advanced options section

You should enable this option in every check-in where you want to see activity in the reports.

What activity is shown in the reports?

There will be a new column automatically added to the check-in responses and it will contain any activity that was logged in the period starting 24 hours previous to the check-in response, and until end of the day current response.

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