Integrate Linear with DailyBot

Connect Linear to track Issues activities in DailyBot reports.

To connect Linear, get your DailyBot DailyBot hook URL and then configure a new WebHook in your Linear app settings using this URL. Make sure every DailyBot user and Linear user has the same email so the activity is properly logged to each user.

What are the steps?

  1. Go to the DailyBot Integrations page > Linear, then copy your own hook URL.
  2. Go to your Linear App, then navigate to Settings > API  > Webhooks.
  3. Add a new webhook, paste the URL just copied from DailyBot.
  4. As event types, select "Issues" - these are the only ones tracked by DailyBot now. Then, click "Create webhook", to save the changes.
  5. On the same page of Linear App - Settings > API. Scroll down to the Personal API Keys section.
  6. Create a Personal API Key in Linear: DailyBot only utilizes this API key to fetch the user related to each activity/webhook. You can give any name to your API key, e.g. "DailyBot".
  7. Input your Personal API Key (created in Linear) on DailyBot, and you're done!
    ⚠️ IMPORTANT: you must create a Linear API key, to input it in DailyBot. Do not confuse the API key with your webhook signing secret. You do not require to copy or make any action with your webhook signing secret.
1 / Creating the WebHook
2 / Creating your Linear API Key
3 / Saving API Key on DailyBot

How does DailyBot match Linear users with DailyBot users?

All the DailyBot users should have an email address that matches the Linear user email.

If that information does not match, the Linear event will be ignored and no activity will be tracked in DailyBot.

Activate the check-in activity tracking

The activity tracked can be included in any stand-up or check-in reports. Such activity will be seen in @DailyBot's chatbot reports (sent to channels or DMs) or on the web app reports.

To make sure the activity is displayed, enable the activity tracking for the check-ins where you want to have this behavior.

1. Go to the check-in settings

2. Click Sharing, and then activate the "Activity tracking" on the advanced options section

You should enable this option in every check-in where you want to see activity in the reports.

What activity is shown in the reports?

There will be a new column automatically added to the check-in responses and it will contain any activity that was logged in the period starting 24 hours previous to the check-in response, and until end of the day current response.

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