The “not-your-average"
form generator
DailyBot Forms allows you to create all-purpose forms that people can respond directly from your company chat.
It offers all the benefits of data collection in a convenient, conversational format for faster feedback, updates and workflows. Without code.
It offers all the benefits of data collection in a convenient, conversational format for faster feedback, updates and workflows. Without code.

Collect data on the go with our form builder for chat
Build forms without adding extra tools or integrations to your current stack. DailyBot helps you build the forms, collect the data, manage the alerts, and provides timely reports for you without the extra hassle. All in chat.
In chat.
On demand.
Call forms with a simple command or use automatic alerts in chat. Create workflows for one-time check-ins.
Switch from real names and emails to anonymous in one click.
Control who gets to see the results.
Control who gets to see the results.
Public responses.
Get insights from your team or the public and share it in chat instantly. Real-time surveys and feedback.
See Forms in action

Convenience for all involved
DailyBot's easy-to-use form builder makes an excellent choice in rapid environments where collecting, assessing, and distributing insights in a timely manner makes all the difference.
Forms comprises a native set of tools that lives both in your favorite chat platform and in the web, so results can be collected and shared from the chat independently with no extra overhead.
Forms comprises a native set of tools that lives both in your favorite chat platform and in the web, so results can be collected and shared from the chat independently with no extra overhead.

Form automations mean actionable workflows
DailyBot's native integrations make it super simple for you to share both your forms and your results.
Besides the good old shareable link, DailyBot provides easy commands or shortcuts you can use to access and interact with your forms wherever you are in the chat.
Now you don't have to keep track of links, obscure folders and bookmarks to get the data you need when you need it.
Besides the good old shareable link, DailyBot provides easy commands or shortcuts you can use to access and interact with your forms wherever you are in the chat.
Now you don't have to keep track of links, obscure folders and bookmarks to get the data you need when you need it.
Startups and Fortune 500 companies use DailyBot for in-chat workflows and operations
Without DailyBot Forms
Add yet another tool to your stack just to collect data
Need bookmarks and external organization to keep forms handy
Rely on web apps (and extra access controls) to share results with your team
Extra effort to visualize and process the data
With DailyBot Forms
Collect and review all kinds of data in chat, no extra effort
Keep your forms handy with a memorable shortcut (command)
Get reports in chat immediately – or export the data using our integrations
See your results in chat instantly, on demand